Dylan Scott Talks About Writing Love Songs for His Wife, And Creating New Music
During his time as Elaina Smith’s co-host on Backstage Country, Dylan Scott, one of country music’s talented stars, revealed that his biggest inspiration for the love songs in his catalog—his wife, Blair—is also his toughest critic.
Writing Love Songs for His Wife
Smith acknowledged Scott’s talent for writing love songs for his beautiful wife, Blair, and asked if she loves every one of them, or if she gives him a lot of “Eh, that’s okay” feedback. Scott laughed and replied, “I get a lot of ‘Eh, that’s okay!’” Smith said she finds that hard to believe.
The “Boys Back Home” singer shared, “Even the songs, I thought, ‘She’s gonna love this one. I got brownie points right here,’ and she’s just like, ‘It’s okay.’” Scott clarified, “But I appreciate that. I would hate it if she was over the moon about all of it, because then I wouldn’t have a good read on it, right? I want to release the best music I possibly can, so for her to tell me straight up, either I got something, or I don’t.”
Scott revealed that one of the songs his wife straight-up loved was “Can’t Have Mine (Find You a Girl)”. He also shared that the inspiration for the song came to him during a phone call with a friend while he was at Walmart.
Scott said, “A buddy of mine could not find love, and I was walking into Walmart talking to him, and he said, ‘Man, what do I gotta do to find the right girl?’ I remember laundry listing, ‘Dude, how about trying to find one like this, and find one like that, and find one like this. And when we hung up the phone, I go, ‘Man, I just described my wife to my best friend,’ which is great because he does need to find one like that, but don’t find mine.”
Scott revealed it was like a light bulb moment, saying, “As I’m walking in Walmart, I was like, ‘Oh, find you a girl. You just can’t have mine.’ I wrote it in my phone, and that’s how literally ‘Can’t Have Mine’ came about, a little stroll through Walmart talking to him.”
Dylan Scott’s New Music
Smith inquired why Scott has been quiet on social media. Scott disclosed that he’s been busy working on new music.
“Oh, it’s just never ending, the new music deal we’re doing,” said Scott. “It’s great, we started releasing new music about a year and a half ago, and it’s really exploded things for us, the fan base is growing.” He added, “We’ve got a lot of new music coming out, I’ve got a new album coming out, I mean, it’s a lot going on.”
To make sure you don’t miss any of Dylan Scott’s new music, behind-the-scenes moments, or exciting updates, be sure to follow his official social media accounts! If you want to listen to his latest albums, visit his website here.