Carly Pearce’s ‘Cheat Day’ Menu
Carly Pearce is pretty strict when it comes to her diet and the type of food she eats. She’s always followed a version of the Paleo diet, which means only eating non-processed foods like our early ancestors would have had access to, including fruits, vegetables, lean meats, nuts, and seeds.
But every now and then, the singer enjoys a good cheat day, which involves some sort of carb-loaded splurge.
Carly recently told us, “If I’m gonna have a cheat day or have just the ultimate cheat meal, it’s either gonna be pasta, pizza, bread, or an Oreo Blizzard.”
Pearce is currently in Europe for her tour. She posted to Instagram, “I can’t believe the ‘hummingbird world tour’ kicks back off THIS WEEK in the UK & Europe with @wadebowen!! It feels like just yesterday we were announcing the tour here last year!”
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She added, “ALSO, I am also SO excited to announce that back in the states we have added some of my favorite girls to a few of the dates! I can’t wait for y’all to hear @maeestes, and @tigirlily in addition to @carterfaith!! I know y’all are going to be blown away! I have missed being on stage, and I can’t wait to see y’all SO SOON.”
Carly is an avid runner, and she enjoys working out, but that doesn’t mean she wakes up every day wanting to do it. She thinks anyone who says they want to work out more but struggles to follow through with it has to accept that it’s a choice that has to be made every day.
Pearce told us in a recent interview, “I genuinely like it, but I will tell you it is difficult. Sometimes the hour that you have to get up in order to make it work [is really early]. A lot of people say I don’t have the time.”
She added, “You do have the time, but do you want to get up before the sun? That’s what you have to decide.”