The Beginning of Dustin Lynch’s Country Music Career
Dustin Lynch, Kelly Ford’s Backstage Country co-host from November 25-29,will not only play the latest country music tunes but will also be sharing how he got started in the industry, how he paid his dues and what advice he will give his young self.
Playing at Frat Parties
After moving to Nashville, Lynch wasn’t old enough to get into bars yet, so he went into a different route of getting his music out there and making a living; playing at frat parties. “I started learning a bunch of cover songs because I wanted to get paid to go to frat parties. And I pulled that off. I’m 21 years old and getting paid to party at a frat house. I mean, that’s the dream right there.”
However, not everyone seems to think so. “My parents hated the idea of me kind of throwing my college degree away, which was pre-med to chase tips in a jar on Lower Broadway. But I had that hard conversation with them.” He chuckled, “I think they finally realized that it wasn’t totally a terrible idea once they came to one of my frat parties and saw the check that I received.”
Dustin Lynch’s Paid his Dues
Eventually, Lynch was able to perform in bars. He recalled, “I just beat around in the bars and the frat parties for a long time and really figured out how to entertain. Playing to two people up to thousands of people all on the same weekend. And I think that’s really paid off for me in my career. Yeah, entertaining crowds. I really take pride in putting on the best show I can and making the crowd a part of our show.”
Slow and Steady
Ford told Lynch how his career is a good example of “slow and steady wins the race.” Lynch agreed, “It’s been slow and steady for us, and we went and changed it. Now we’re loving this slow climb, and it seems like year after year we’re building our momentum, and our crowds are getting bigger and bigger. And I’m just really happy with where we’re at and the music we’re making.”
Lynch has enjoyed a long career that many aspiring country music artists only dream of. Ford asked if there was any advice he would like to give his younger self. Lynch said, “I would tell young Dustin to trust your gut more and maybe ask for some advice earlier on. But I think, all those situations, the ups and the downs and the hoops that have led me to where I’m sitting right now hanging with you, I wouldn’t change it for the world.”
Tune in to Backstage Country and discover more of Dustin Lynch’s secrets in building a country music career that continues to thrive past Nashville’s 10-year mark.